Sunday, November 3, 2013

T-SQL - Find which Object resides in which FileGroup

To Find which object resides in which FileGroup in a database, run the below queries.

/**************** For SQL 2000 ****************/

Select Distinct OBJECT_NAME( AS ObjectName
        ,SO.type AS ObjectType
        ,FG.GroupName AS FileGroupName
from sysindexes SI , sysfilegroups FG ,sysobjects SO
where SI.groupid = FG.groupid and =
Order by ObjectName

/**************** For SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 ****************/

Select Distinct OBJECT_NAME(SI.object_id) AS ObjectName
        ,OBJECTPROPERTYEX(SI.object_id,'BaseType') AS ObjectType
        ,FG.Name AS FileGroupName
from sys.indexes SI , sys.filegroups FG
where SI.data_space_id = FG.data_space_id
Order by ObjectName

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