Sunday, December 1, 2013



To install sql server 2005

Insert media disk in cd drive or we can install from the media files from the hard disk.

Open the  media file we can find the below screen short

Click on setup.exe file we get a license agreement window accept and click on next.

A window will open installing  prerequisites  ie  .net frame work, sql server native clients , sql server support files . click to install to continue .

Else we can install them before the installation of sql server.

Click  next in the popup window.

Sql server installation preparation will be started .

It will ask for registration ( name and product key) enter the details and click next.

It will then asks for type of instance (default or named) select of your choice then click on next .


It will ask for the features to be installed select the features you required .

Click on advanced and choose the file path of “mdf” and “ldf” files.

Its recommended to keep them in different drives as a best practice

Click on next.

It will ask for type of account select of your choice .

Choose the services you want install .

then click on next.





It will ask for type of authentication (windows or mixed)

Windows authentication mode will allow the users who are authorized in windows level only to connect to the sql server (this is the highest level of security )

Mixed mode will allow both the users windows level and sql users to access the sql server

(as the best practice we will choose mixed authentication mode)

It will ask for “sa” account password choose the strongest password you can for you database safety

Click on next

Password is secret1#

Then it will ask for collation (language) by default it will Latin General (case insensitive)

Click on next

Then it will ask for error report to be sent to microsoft  it’s not necessary click on next 


Then it will show the features going to be installed check them once and click on install


Then it starts the actual installation process wait until it completes the installation after completion click on finish.

Restart the server as the best practice then try to login in sql server





That’s all installation is completed .


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