Tuesday, October 22, 2013

SQL Server 2012 SP1 Installation With Always on Feature

SQL Server 2012 SP1 Patch Installation screen shots:
1.  First we verify the Always on Availability Group which is the primary replica and secondary replica and type failover modes. Here my primary Replica and Secondary Replica information
Primary Replica:Node1
Secondar Replica's:Node2 (Automatic Failover)
                                   Node3 (Manual Failover)
see the below screen shot .

Secondary replica status of high availability group info.

Before applying the service pack installation we will follow the below steps.
1. We are applying the service pack in Node1 server at that time we will failover to secondary replica using Failover Cluster manager.

Now Primary Replica is Node2 server and Node1 is secondary Replica using automatic failover . now we are applying the Service pack on Node1 server. see the below screen shots.

See the availability group status see the below screen shot.

Now we see the Availability Group status.
see Here Node1 server is secondary replica and Node2 server is Primary Replica.
Once service pack completed we will fail back Availability group to Node1 server.
Now we will see the Availability group status and primary replica and secondary replica information.

Now applying the service pack on node2 Server.

We are verifying the High Availability Group Status.
In sp installation time we insert data into primary replica. After installation whether this data is moved to secondary replica (node2) or not. See the below screen shots.
As per node3 database table result is 17 means 2 records are added.
We will see in node2 server after installation this records is updated or not.
Status of TESTAG always on group.
Now we are verify the data is synch or not in node2 server.

The data is updated into Secondary replica see the above screen shot.

Before applying the SP on node3 server one database count of records see the below.

Now we are applying the SP on node3 server.
Now we are verified in primary replica on node1 server.
Now we are inserting the data into primary replica database on node1 server.
Node2 database output:
Status of Always on Availability groups.
Node3 database count of records.
If we need to insert the data into mirror database, the data can't be update because of the database is read only. See the below screen shot.

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